AWS names NordHero as an AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner

NordHero’s investment in the AWS partnership has reached a new milestone as the company achieved AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner status.

AWS names NordHero as an AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner

NordHero’s investment in the AWS partnership has reached a new milestone as the company achieved AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner status only one year after hitting the previous partnership level.

AWS provides partner tiers to recognize organizations that have proven technical expertise and demonstrated customer experience. According to AWS, the Advanced Tier Services Partners are partners with a strong team of trained and certified technical individuals with proven customer experience.

Achieved together with customers and employees

NordHero reached the new partnership level exceptionally quickly after the previous one, but not without hard work.

“I would like to thank our awesome customers and the NordHero cloud architect team for enabling us to pursue the new partnership status. The recognition required many launched customer projects, customer satisfaction responses, public customer success stories, AWS-certified employees on different certification levels, and business and technical accreditations. This is something we have achieved together.”, says Pekka Malmirae, the CEO and co-founder of NordHero Oy.

NordHero - Advanced Consulting Partner

A way to stand out and differentiate

Why would a company invest its time and money into the partnership?

“First of all, achieving AWS certifications is essential to us. We want to invest in our team’s competence, and our cloud architects also want to demonstrate their expertise by pursuing competence validations. Secondly, we are determined to build a long-lasting and trustworthy relationship with AWS. Eventually, every business is a people business, and people like to work with people they know they can trust.”, summarizes Teemu Niiranen, NordHero’s alliance lead for the AWS partnership.

The Advanced Tier partnership status also opens new doors to differentiate NordHero further. NordHero’s co-founder and CTO Janne Kuha: “Achieving the Advanced Tier is a major milestone for us. There aren’t a huge number of Finnish companies that have achieved the Advanced Tier level. But the work doesn’t end here. Now that we are on the Advanced level, it opens new doors for us regarding AWS partnership and specific focus areas on offerings and competencies.”

AWS activism on many levels

The official partner tiers are only one aspect of NordHero’s cooperation with AWS. NordHero has taken an active role in building the local AWS community in Central Finland. NordHero established the AWS Meetup JKL group in the spring of 2022, and it already has had three in-person gatherings, with a fourth already scheduled for January 2023. The group has nearly 100 members from various companies and organizations around the Jyväskylä area.

In August 2022, NordHero’s CEO, Pekka Malmirae, was invited to the global groups of AWS Community Builders and AWS User Group Leaders. “Being part of those communities has opened the AWS world to us from different perspectives. I feel privileged to be able to share ideas with and hear best practices from AWS product and community leaders throughout the world. Through the network, we’ve been able to access new information, hear about new product and feature launches directly from the source, and even participate in closed beta programs related to innovations developed in AWS labs. And yes, it was nice to meet the makers in real life at a dinner at AWS re:Invent 2022 conference.”, summarizes Pekka Malmirae.

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