Here is a 150 word summary of the blog post:

The blog post provides a historical overview of the evolution of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools over the past decade. It starts with the early cloud vendor-specific declarative tools like AWS CloudFormation, Azure Resource Manager, and Google Cloud Deployment Manager. Then it discusses third-party imperative tools like Terraform and serverless frameworks like Serverless and AWS SAM that aim to boost productivity. The post then covers the newer generation of IaC tools utilizing programming languages like AWS CDK, Pulumi, and Serverless Components that combine declarative and imperative approaches. It also mentions specialized tools like AWS Amplify and Copilot tailored for specific use cases like web apps and containers. Overall, the post outlines the progression of IaC tools from basic declarative to more advanced programming-language based tools, highlighting the pros and cons of each. It emphasizes that the optimal choice depends on the use case, with no one-size-fits-all solution. The key is to leverage automation over manual work regardless of specific tooling.

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