Here is a 150 word summary of the blog post:

This article focuses on strategies for integrating Amazon Verified Permissions into applications using serverless building blocks like API Gateway and AppSync. It discusses using Lambda authorizers to implement custom authorization logic. With API Gateway, DynamoDB can store policies and a cached API Gateway response for up to 1 hour helps reduce function executions and latency. For AppSync, the authorizer returns allow/deny access based on an isAuthorized flag and deniedFields attribute. The article then covers the IsAuthorized, IsAuthorizedWithToken, and BatchIsAuthorized APIs for making authorization decisions. BatchIsAuthorized allows batch processing authorization decisions to simplify apps needing multiple actions authorized. Mapping authorization request parameters like principal, action, and resource to application data is key for successful integration. The article concludes by mentioning Amazon’s demo of Verified Permissions with a toy store app that uses API Gateway Lambda authorizers and Amplify.

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