Here is a summary of the blog post in sentences:

The AWS Golden Jacket is a special jacket given to people who have passed all AWS certification exams. It started as an insider joke among AWS Solution Architects who would order the golden jackets for each other when someone on their team earned all the certifications. AWS partners had heard about the jackets but there was no official information on where to get one. NordCloud Architect Teemu Niiranen recently earned his Golden Jacket, becoming one of the few people in Finland with all AWS certifications. Teemu first became interested in AWS and cloud computing in 2015-2016 after AWS Lambda was released. His first AWS certification was the Solutions Architect – Associate in 2018, which he recommends as the first certification because it provides foundational knowledge. His passion for learning led him to continue pursuing more certifications until he eventually earned all of them last year. Teemu found the Advanced Networking certification exam to be the most difficult. He can be seen wearing his Golden Jacket at AWS community events worldwide. His company, NordHeroes, encourages and supports employees to pursue AWS certifications

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