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Terraform offers a robust way to define infrastructure as code. However, managing multiple infrastructure environments with Terraform can be challenging. That’s where Terragrunt comes in. Terragrunt allows you to write infrastructure code once with Terraform and manage environment-specific values as variables in separate Terragrunt configuration files. This keeps infrastructure code DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself). Terragrunt uses a folder structure to separate account, region, and environment configurations. Common infrastructure code goes in the /infrastructure folder. Terragrunt configuration files in the /deployments folder define remote state and variables per environment. Deploying infrastructure with Terragrunt works similarly to Terraform. You run terragrunt commands from the /deployments////infra folder. Terragrunt sets up the remote state and feeds variables to Terraform before running terraform commands. This makes it easy to reuse infrastructure code for multiple environments. The post walks through installing Terraform and Terragrunt, writing infrastructure code and Terragrunt configs, and deploying infrastructure.

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