Take a leap with one of the most crucial best practices in managing your cloud platform, multi-account management.
Transform, filter and combine data from scattered sources to a centralized data lake for visualized insights and rapid decision making.
What’s up with your app? Are you running your workload on AWS? Is it as good as it can be? How do you know?
Process millions of data lines with AWS's massively scalable serverless data services and NordHero's expertise.
Proactively uncover and troubleshoot incidents before users are impacted. NordHero & Datadog bring complete visibility to your AWS cloud.
NordHero helps you design and build an IoT platform on AWS to provision, manage and control a fleet of millions of devices.
Say goodbye to on-premise and hello to cloud services! NordHero is here to help you adopt the best practices of the cloud.
Do you already have software development skills, and also some experience in cloud platforms such as AWS or Google Cloud? Are you eager to learn more and develop new skills?
In this post we will go through how to manage and deploy multiple variants of the same AWS infrastructure stack with Terragrunt.
Being a cloud hero maker and working with a client on a mission to conquer the world might take you to the other side of the world.
Be the sustainable hero of the cloud! Learn the key actions you can take to drive sustainability with your cloud workloads.
Learn how to transform data from DynamoDB and visualize it with QuickSight with no coding required. A complete walk-through of setting up your first BI pipeline with sample data.
The number of IaC tools has grown significantly over the years. What new tools do better than the old ones? What are they suitable for, what not?
What does it take to be in charge of your cloud operations? Read our take on what are the building blocks of winning software systems of the cloud era.
The utilization of cloud services often proceeds through three levels. What is your current level concerning cloud computing?
Haemme tiimiin 2-3 uutta työkaveria. Ajaako sinua eteenpäin pohjaton nälkä oppia uutta ja halu muuttaa opittu asiakkaiden hyödyksi?
IT-avaruutta moukaroi nyt neljä toisiinsa kietoutunutta muutosvoimaa, joilta ei voi välttyä. Opi tunnistamaan nämä voimat ja selviämään muutoksesta voittajana!