We make you the hero of development and operations with the right processes, tools, and skills.
What’s up with your app? Are you running your workload on AWS? Is it as good as it can be? How do you know?
Discover how to shorten the development lifecycle and deliver high-quality software continuously. Learn the best practices of DevOps and jump-start to DevOps by automating your AWS deployments.
Proactively uncover and troubleshoot incidents before users are impacted. NordHero & Datadog bring complete visibility to your AWS cloud.
Do you already have software development skills, and also some experience in cloud platforms such as AWS or Google Cloud? Are you eager to learn more and develop new skills?
In a world of infrastructure-as-code and CI/CD pipelines, securing AWS credentials becomes a critical concern. In this blog, you will learn how improve security by leveraging short-term AWS credentials on your pipelines.
In this post we will go through how to manage and deploy multiple variants of the same AWS infrastructure stack with Terragrunt.
The number of IaC tools has grown significantly over the years. What new tools do better than the old ones? What are they suitable for, what not?
What does it take to be in charge of your cloud operations? Read our take on what are the building blocks of winning software systems of the cloud era.
Is it possible to give developers the freedom to innovate and at same time to maintain security and cost-efficiency?
Yksittäisten palveluiden pystyttäminen pilveen on helppoa kuin leikki. Mutta kun infrastruktuuri laajenee ja monimuotoistuu, kriittiseksi nousee kyky hallita kokonaisuutta.
IT-avaruutta moukaroi nyt neljä toisiinsa kietoutunutta muutosvoimaa, joilta ei voi välttyä. Opi tunnistamaan nämä voimat ja selviämään muutoksesta voittajana!
Miten yhdistää innovointi ja nopeus yhtä aikaa hyvien käytäntöjen, tietoturvan ja kustannustehokkuuden kanssa?